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Lokstad Products

Recipes courtesy of John Lokstad, Judy Lokstad, and Hildur Skierven

Potato Lefse

2 cups mashed potatoes

½ teaspoon salt

1 tablespoon shortening

1 ½ cups flour


Add half of flour when rolling out very thin with a die cut rolling pin. Dough may be formed into a long roll then cut into pieces large enough to make a lefse to fit the size of the baking surface. Bake on both sides to a light brown on top of a hot stove, lefse plate or griddle. Use a long stick to aid in turning lefse.

Flat Bread

1 cup hot water

1 cup graham flour

2 tablespoons shortening

½ teaspoon salt


Mix ingredients and let stand until cool. Add enough white flour to roll out thin. Follow same procedure as with potato lefse in rolling out. Bake on both sides to a light brown in hot oven or on lefse plate or on griddle.

Hardanger Lefse

2 cups cultured buttermilk

½ cup fruit juice such as pineapple

½ cup sugar

½ cup white syrup

2 teaspoons soda, added to buttermilk

3 beaten eggs

2 heaping teaspoons salt

Flour enough to roll out very thin with a die cut rolling pin, into size to fit your griddle. Bake on both sides to light brown in hot oven or on lefse plate or on griddle.


Lefse may be softened by wrapping in a wet cloth before eating.

Grandma's Sugar Cookies

3 cups flour

1 cup shortening or margarine

Mix as for pie crust

Beat 2 eggs

1 cup sugar


1 teaspoons baking soda

3 tablespoons milk

A pinch of salt


Beat well and add to flour mixture. More flour may be added if needed. Put in refrigerator for a little while (over night is too long). Roll thin, cut, sprinkle with sugar and bake in 350-400 degree oven.

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